Re: Growing info for D. adelae

Mellard, David (dam7@ATSDHA1.EM.CDC.GOV)
Fri, 30 Aug 96 14:23:00 EST


>How do you grow them. They should be grown fairly dark (shaded conditions)
>and not too hot and not too cool with high humidity. D.shizandra requires
>the same condtions but is far less forgiving about minor variations than
>D.adelae. My D.adelae die back to the ground most Winters because of the
>overnight lows here. They come back in Spring. Do your plants currently
>experience a high daytime / nightime temperature differential?

Hi Rob,

I learned the hard way that D. adelae does not like direct sun since I lost
the ones I put in my bog but still have the one that I put in shade with my
orchids. ((At least I thought it was the sun, although I can't be certain.
)) While under lights during winter, all had done just fine. The one in
shade is doing "ok," but seems to have diminished in size. I wonder if our
summer heat (about 4 - 5 months of 80s and 90s F) is too much for D.
adelae? How cold are your winter lows? I'd like to try outdoors again
either in a new bog that doesn't get direct sun or underneath a lot of plant
cover in the sunny bog.

Thanks for your advice.


P.S. Anyone in the US have some D. adelae (just a few) that they could part
with for me to train on again. I'm willing to send you a shipping box and
ziplock bags to ship them back to me plus stamps for return postage.