VFT, Sarracenia, several Drosera, many Pinguicula, Darlingtonia
and any others I forgot are all from climates where the winters
are freezing cold. The plants will make tend to make seed which
can survive the winter and need to be exposed to cold temps to
simulate winter (stratification) in order to germinate.
Sometimes the seeds will come up w/o being stratified but often,
after the first winter more will come in the spring. Nearly all
CP seed need light in order to germinate also. Perhaps try placing
the pots in a brighter spot?
> I'm waiting for the flower of my sarr. ?flava?
> and one of my sarr. psittcaria (sp?), which I pollinated (voc? sp?)
> months ago, but the flowers are still green to yellow, showing no seeds.
> The part of the flower, where the seed should be
That would be the ovary. Sarracenia should have 5 seperate ovules,
compartments where the seed grows.
> is very thick, so I tink the pollinating was successfull, but
> how long will it take to produce the seeds?
They are growing now. When the seed head turns brown, they are
ready to harvest.
> And I have some flowering utricularia (I think sandersonii, but I'm not
> sure, it was a present ;-) but I don't know when and how to collect the
> seeds.
I don't Utrics but often the seed needs to stay moist and are
hard to keep viable. U.sand has flowers which like rather like
evil bunnies. Most Utrics come very easily from cuttings so
seed isn't really needed for trading.
> I'd like to exchange some seeds, so if anybody interested in receiving
> some of the mentioned species, just mail (me or here) the address. I read
> about a cp seed bank some time ago, more about that?
I'd like some D.aliciae and maybe U.sandersonii. In the fall I'll
have lots of seed of Sarracenia and I have lots of seed from
several temperate Drosera now. If interested in trade e-mail to
me please, not the list.
Dave Evans