Re: growing of D. Adelae

Rob (
Wed, 04 Sep 1996 22:30:06 +1000

At 05:57 PM 03/09/96 -0700, Fabio wrote:
>D.adelae seems to be a plant that dislikes sudden changes.
>It can live happily in a number of different conditions of
>humidity, light and temperature, but it hates being moved
>from a condition to another. I lost a few plants moving
>them from a shady to a moderate-sunny location this spring.

I agree with this whole heartedly. D. adelae is truely a fickle plant, and
D. schizandra is even more so.

>They should be starting to thrive again in a couple of
>weeks normally. If not, maybe it's the soil which is old.

What sort of soil do you grow them in. I recommend pure live sphagnum moss.
Alternately 2/3rds of the pot filled with 1:4 sand/peat and the top thickly
dressed with live sphagnum. The sphagnum helps keep the humidity high,
reduces the risk of fungal attack, and is a good indicator of general pot
health. If it is growing then so should the D. adelae. They also hate
drafts so beware of the wind.

