Yeah, they do that, weird eh? Anyway, D.adelae is a picky plant
and it maybe the the sprouts are really better established than
the original plant which was transplanted to get it to where ever
it is.
> I also have quite a few D. Spathulata's that are blooming. The flower
> stalks have from two to six buds each, depending on the age. The problem
> that I seem to be having is that they only stay open for about one day,
> then they close up. Or, if I take them out of direct light, they close
> up. How is it possible to pollinate them when they are open for so little
> time, not to mention that they are only about a 1/4" wide?
Oh that's just how they are supposed to be! Nothing wrong at all.
The is a species of pygmea Sundew which has flowers lasting as long
as three days, don't know the name off hand though.
Dave Evans