I think you will find this adventure one that will never get old. These
marvelous plants are extremely fascinating for many reasons ... but the
most important is that they turn the tables on life and "bite back!"
I became interested in these plants when I too was in Jr. High (Middle
School). After much trial & experimentation (and the death of many
VFTs), I now have a healthy, growing collection of these marvellous
"bug-eaters" (Pings, VFTs, Sarracenias, Sundews, Nepenthes, and Utrics).
Keep watching this maillist ... some very helpful info will come across
your screen that will help you grow these wonders to the best of your
Het! Why don't you try describing that "unknown" Pinguicula (Butterwort)
and see if any of the online "experts" can ID it for you? Give all the
infor you can, especially the flower's characteristics, if it has
Again, welcome to the list. Keep Growing!!
Ken C.