> Well I must say I envy you. I have seen a lowland N. veitchii of
> similar size. It has three main stems and is growing in a hanging
> basket. The main stems are about four to five feet long and it has
> flowered. I wonder if anyone has seen N. veitchii in the wild with
> bigger leaves and pitchers. What medium are you using to grow
> your N. veitchii in?
I grow my lowland plant in a mixture of fine orchid bark, sphagnum (only a
very small amount) and perlite. It has not flowered yet since it it still a
"yourng" plant and has only produced those peristomed pitchers for about 1
1/2 years It is growing in a 55 gallon tank right next to a N. rafflesiana
that has leaves that are the same dimensions.
I have also noticed that it does not pitcher in the summer where daylenth has
increased to about 16 hours. It produces the nisest pitchers in March and
September - right around the spring and fall equinox. Has anybody else
noticed this?