Re: Bladderwort Help

dave evans (T442119@RUTADMIN.RUTGERS.EDU)
Tue, 17 Sep 96 21:31 EDT

> From: TED651@AOL.COM
> Don't know what kind
> of Bladderwort I have.I have tried to found out,but still don't know.The
> Bladderwort is
> green and I keep it in a north facing window.I don't think it gets much
> heat.I give it
> distilled water.I would like to change the water that's in the bowl,but I
> could use some
> tips about that.Thanks for all your help.

Hi Jeremy,

Sorry to be a stickler but it would really HELP alot if you include
a little more information here. I think you mentioned it is growing
in water and not soil, is that right? Where did you get it? If it's
from the wild, then you'll need to try and duplicate that environment.
If it is aquatic (water dewelling) then you may need a small aquarium
pump to circulate the water. Food will also help but lets see if we
can get an idea of what it is first. There are 250-300 species of
Utricularia (bladderwort) and they grow in many, many different ways.

Dave Evans