Cephalotus will probably come up BUT in the context of removing it from
Appendix II, not listing it (just to clairfy your post). This has been
talked about at least since the plants committee meeting in Mexico in '94. I
think Australia is preparing a proposal to delist--they have to get approval
from their states prior to finalizing the document. Apparently there are
more plants than previously thought, many are in areas that are relatively
inaccessible and Australian law provides adequate protection.
As for other CP's, each should be looked at individually. Some may benefit
from listing, others can probably be delisted (if already on one of the
Appendices) or considered not sufficiently threatened by collection for
international trade. Careful consideration should be given to national and
even local protective measures since many species (especially in the US and
Australia) already have some regulatory protection.
Carlo A. Balistrieri, J.D. Email: CABalist@facstaff.wisc.edu
P.O. Box 327
Ashippun, WI 53003-0327
Voice: 414.474.7771
Telefax: 414.474.7772