Heliamphoras, drosera's and VFT

Laurent Ide (lide@dvddd.com)
Wed, 2 Oct 1996 14:08:58 GMT

Did anybody found some interest in the monetary system? Really exciting... (=
So let's be serious.

I bought an Heliamphora. In the store, the Heliamphora's were placed in
cold greenhouse with the "common" plants like VFT, Drosera's,
Sarracenia's... The salesman told me that it was sufficient for
hygrometrics features. The temperature was ambient (in Belgium, 20-25=B0 C
in the summer).

Back at my home, I placed the plant under a dome until 90% hygro with a
nepenthes ventricosa. But after a short time, the fungi severely attacked
(botrytis maybe) and destroyed the plant at 80%. So, after a spraying
party-time with benlate, I simply placed it in my own room near the window.
I spray the plant with water 2-3 times each day for hygro. Actually it
recovers health, doing new pitchers (but doing sometimes the same, some
pitchers are dying when the new ones are growing).

So I'll conclude: no particular conditions for Heliamphora...

Good luck with your plants !

In this store I saw a particular VFT that growed in a particular form, just
like a little tree (seemed like a byblis for general aspect). Did anybody
saw that somewhere ? Probably a genetic disfunction ! A "natural

At everybody : are the drosera's "ssp Magaliesburg" and "Gypsicola"
existing (probably wrong names) ? But if yes, I would have informations
about their origin and cultivation mode. Thanks.
