An Introduction and Two Questions

Jason Meyers (
Wed, 02 Oct 96 22:57:46 -0400

Hi, my name is Jason Meyers, and I a newcomer to the field of CPs.
Right now I am growing a few Drosera, three forms of VFT, some Ping.
primuflora, an Ultric, and two S. Rubras in a medium/small terrarium
(20 gal). All of the plants seem to be doing very well, sending out
new leaves/pitchers/traps, and I've really enjoyed getting into these
fascinating plants!
Now for the two questions:
I sent a membership application to the ICPS around 2 months ago, and
have heard nothing from them (and they haven't cashed my check). Does
anyone know if the address changed (I sent it to the treasurerat the
Washington address (I think))?
Does anyone have any good suggestions for taking a whole terrarium
though dormancy? Several of the plants are pining for dormancy, and
most of them will expect it soon, but I've not come up with any
brilliant ideas for giving it to them. Right now they're enjoying a
~80 degree fairly humid environment with 15 hours of light. I'm
beginning to reduce the photoperiod and reduce the water a bit, but
the temperature is going to remain fairly high because it's a
terrarium. Advice from the old sages?
Thanks much,