Re: CPN - September 1996

dave evans (T442119@RUTADMIN.RUTGERS.EDU)
Fri, 11 Oct 96 16:16 EDT

Hello List,

> Cover photos: Great photo of P. planifolia with red leaves on the
> front cover, colony of P. planifolia on back cover.
> Photos by Don Schnell.

Best photos I've seen of these of species! Best looking P.planifolia
I've seen, period.

> 'A Dichotomous Key to the Genus Drosera L. (Droseraceae)'
> by Dr. Jan Schlauer. A 21 page epic!

Wow, I think this will take some time to digest...

> 'The Saga of Dionaea muscipula "Royal Red"' by
> Colin Clayton.

Ok, here's the main reason I'm replying: In this artical, Colin
says that *Anyone In The World* who sells all-red VFT which can't
be easily distinguished from 'Royal Red' can be sued by the holder
of the Plant Bullshit (at least in this case) Rights. True or false?

> 'An addition to Adrian Slack's Comment on Nepenthes
> burbidgeae (Improbable) Cuttings' by Olivier Marthaler.
> 24 hour photoperiod said to help root Nepenthes
> cuttings.

Ok, here's a little tidbit for all. Cuttings from any plant
will do much better in 24 hr photo period so long they are
the sort that will not be damaged by such long days (do any exist?).

Nepenthes root faster in 24 hour light, but then the species
I have experience with (quite common stuff for the most part)
all root easily anyway. Some plants can't be done easily without
20-24 hr days, so I imagine this could also apply to some Neps...

Dave Evans