
Sun, 21 Oct 2096 09:14:01 -0700

Dear Laurent,
In a large book about vines the author writes "A third kind of leaf
terminates in a long, curling glandular process which exudes a sticky
liquid that does attract bugs but has nothing to do with the pollination of
the flowers. _These appear elsewhere on the vine and are insignificant".
I laugh everytime I read this because I'm not sure what he means by
insignificant; not important or just small.
If this helps, you can read the reference the author used. It is the
Garden Journal of the New York Botanical Garden, January-February 1965. I
have not seen this publication nor know how to access it, you might have
more luck than me. It might include more details of the glandular leaf.
Take care,
Ed Read
in search of Tri