>Subgen.Drosera Sect.Oosperma - _D.burkeana_ (20) (Kondo, Bull. Torr.
>Bot. Cl.96:324, 1969)
> Sect.Drosera - _D.slackii_ (40) (Bennett & Cheek, Kew Bull.
>45:380, 1989)
Could you send me the title of these articles (and with complete
names of authors)?
To all,
I'm almost sure I've heard of D.spatulata with 2n=80, but now I
can't seem to find this. Does anyone know where I can find it? Does anyone
know of any other Drosera with 2n=80? Does anyone know if the chromosome
number for D.aliciae has been published? I'm almost sure I've seen this
too, but can't find it either.
Thanks tons,
Fernando Rivadavia
Tokyo, Japan