Re: crossing mexican Pinguiculas ...

Paul Temple 08-Nov-1996 1419 (
Fri, 8 Nov 96 16:10:25 MET

+---------------------------+ TM From: Paul Temple
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+---------------------------+ Easynet: fangio::temple_p

>Can P. hemiepiphytica be self pollinated ?

(Sorry but I missed about 2-3 weeks of mail that I've not caught up on. I
apologise if the following repeats earlier responses from others.)

Regard P hemiepiphytica, etc., it's apparent that early descriptions of
Mexican Pings not being able to be self pollinated (selfed) are
incorrect. Many, possibly most, maybe even all! mexican Pings can be
used to hybridised with other mexican or related types or can be selfed.
Failure to self pollinate is usual in mexican species that have long
flower tubes and anthers (pollen sacs) deep within the tube. A paint
brush may not adequately reach the pollen. In such cases it may be
better to tear open the flower to reveal the pollen.

Incidentally, I'm off on holiday again so I won't reply to anything more
for 18 days (minimum).

