I was wondering what cultivation conditions people keep their
D.prolifera under. I grow mine in a terrarium along with various
Nepenthes species, where the temprature often reaches 39
degrees celsius. (I know Nepenthes aren't supposed to tolerate
this, but explain that to my seedlings that have germinated in
there, and my N.ventricosa and N.khasiana!) The D.prolifera
isn't doing too well, but they were originally cuttings, and all
have evidently struck. They never seem to have sticky mucilage,
and aren't really growing all that quickly. Their mix is 50/50
peat + sand, and they often receive a misting when I go to
mist my Neps and Heliamphora. They also receive a fair
amount of light.
Also, what would be a good way of cooling down my terrarium?
I have heard of solar powered extractor fans (like the ones for
cars), but are these very effective in reducing the temprature?
I also would have thought that they would reduce the humidity
significantly as well.