>Is the D. prolifera flower similar in structure and appearance to D. adelae?
Well I have never looked at either of these flowers that closely, however
they are both about the same size, colour (red, in case you only have the
white flowered form of D. adelae), and the scapes present in pretty much the
same way.
>From observation alone, I would never think these plants could hybridize.
>Given the thought that they are closely related, has anyone produced a
>hybrid from these plants?
At cursory glance these flowers at least look like they could hybridize, but
I agree that the plants themselves would be hard pressed to look more
dissimilar. I too would be interested to know if anyone has tried to
hyridize these plants. Of course getting them to flower at the same time
might be another small problem.
Rob Brisler
Victoria, Australia