
James Tovee (
Wed, 20 Nov 1996 15:37:12 -0500

The flava,s usualy develop flower buds in the autumn even if they still
have ripeing seed pods from the spring. This year the darlingtonia kept
outside and in the greenhouse have well developed flower buds. The
saracenia have had a late flush of pitchers. In the seedlings they are much
larger than previous ones, as they do in the spring. All these occurences
are said to be caused by a warm autumn.
In Carnivorous Plants by A. Slack page 152, it says that drosera
binata multifida does not need the winter rest. In Carnivorous Plants by J.
and P. Pietropaolo page 66, suggests that cephalotus will grow at a
constant temperature the year round.
Does anyone know if cephalotus or any of the saracenia do not need
the winter rest ? I believe I live in zone 8 for temperature, this term is
not commonly used here.