you wrote.......
>From: "Ken Cusson" <>
>ON first reading this, I was willing to assume that it was just pure lack
>of understanding on the part of the creator of the "Homepage" in using
>these pictures without permission. But after visiting his hompage, and
>reading his disclaimer (purely disgusting from a moral point of view), it
>is obvious this is not the case. This gentleman was well aware of what he
>was doing.
This gentleman happens to be 15 and his native country is Taiwan. I question
how well you could write any legal disclaimer in a foreign tounge?????
I don't understand legal stuff in my own language half the time!
I am not in any way condoning the violation of copyright laws. However, he
is now aware of the laws and has taken the proper steps to obtain the
necessary permission to use said photographs. Everyone deserves a second
chance and I think this is a prime example. Check out the site yourself and
if the copyrights still aren't being respected, then you can feel free to
bashing him. I know him personally and he feels really bad about the whole
thing. I believe him and I trust he will display the proper photo credits.
Thomas Hayes
( flames can be directed to: )