My nepenthes basket's is attacked by Botytris fungus.
How can I kill it without killing my nepenthes?
I found in a french book that I must use Benomyl.
But in Belgium, I cann't found Benomyl, in reality, I can,
but I must buy 10 kilogr. because it dosn't exist in small packets.
Could you help me to save my nepenthes they will die soon.
Wich other fungicid can I use or someone could sale me a packets of
Thanks. Michael
Eddy Kestemont
Faculte des Sciences CP 224
Universite Libre de Bruxelles
boulevard du Triomphe
1050 Bruxelles Belgique
tel: (32)(2) 650.5509
fax: (32)(2) 650.5620
voice-mail: (32)(2) 727.5108