CP Centralisation
James Tovee (106361.2125@compuserve.com)
Sat, 23 Nov 1996 15:55:00 -0500
There has been discussion of setting up a central committee for the
Australian CP groups. I have many hobbies and one of them is beekeeping.
The beekeeping organisations in England have independant local groups with
their own committee and finance. For the central organisation, each local
organisation has an elected representitive to form the central committee.
This should give the local groups democratic control over the central
committee actions and any tendency to become autocratic or bureaucratic.
The finance for the central committee is from a very small levy on each
member of the associations.
There has been discussion in this group about the possibility of
saranenia,s catching a virus from tobbaco used in insecticides. I don't
want go over that again. A virus can usualy be found for every living
thing. I have not found any mention of virus,s for CP,s. I grow quite a few
VFT,s, this year about 6 of them had streaky yellow lines down the leaf.
The growth diminished and the were in poor health. I separated them and put
them outside. 4 of them have survived so far, they naturally kept separate.
I would easily accept that these have a virus, but I have not found any
reference to virus in any book. The plants were originaly among many
others, they have the same compost and water. Carnivorous Plant of the
world by J. and P. Pietropaolo, mentions fire blight a fungus infection on
VFT,s on page 171. There is no description of the symptons. I would like
to know if anyone has any knowledge of any virus,s effecting saracenia or