I had success with _N.lowii_ seed in the spring of this year.
I prepared the pot in advance with moss peat, chopped a little spagnum on
the top and soaked it with rain water. This pot was standing in a plastic
bag for about 1 month before the seeds where introduced. After that I was
putting the seeds into the pot putting it in a window sill getting (April)
morning sun with no bottom heat. I was blowing into to the plastic bag
(giving it coldioxide, humid air change and the bad smell of me) twice a
week. It was germinating within one month.
Now I have many but extremely small and slow growing seedlings.
I would also like to succed with the _Byblis gigantea_ seed I have in my
fridge. I have got the answer that GA3 is not available in Sweden. Is there
any one out there that could supply me with this stuff (just enougth for
this seeds) I would be eternally greatful. In return i could offer some
of the seedlings above or something from my growing list. I also have
_Drosera scorpioides_ gemmeae to trade.
About _D.prolifera_ and _D.adelae_ I have these in bloom right know and
I will try to cross pollinate them to see if they can produce any seed.
I will tell you my success or failure later. I cultivate both these
plants in humid environment but without watering/spraying on the leaves.
The _D.prolifera_ I grow in living spagnum moss. Temperature 20 to 25
degrees Celcius.
Best regards from
Haakan Murevaern, Sweden