Darlingtonia seed available

Clarke Brunt (clarke@brunt.demon.co.uk)
Sat, 30 Nov 1996 18:46:10 +0100

Following the success of last year's operation (about 26 packets sent
out, and reports of germination from a good proportion of them), I'd
like once again to offer seed of Darlingtonia californica to anyone
who wants some.

I only have two Darlingtonia plants large enough to flower, so I have
seed from maybe 6 capsules. From last years experience, this might be
enough for 20 or so packets (though one of last year's people counted
the seed they got, and I think it was over 200, so perhaps I was
putting too many in the packets!).

Compared to last year, I'm a bit later making the offer, but
nevertheless I think the seed will be fresh enough to do well. I find
the seed does OK if sown right now - no stratification seems to be
needed. If kept cold, then it might wait until Spring to germinate,
but if warmer (no great heat is needed, and indeed might be
detrimental) then it germinates in a few weeks.

If you'd like some, then mail me at <clarke@brunt.demon.co.uk>
and include a snail-mail address so I don't need to email again to
ask. *Please* don't annoy everyone by mailing to the list. I'm not
expecting money in return. I'll wait a week or two to give a chance
for those (like me!) whose email isn't instantaneous, and I guess
that if there are too many people, then I'll give preference to
people who didn't get any last year - if there are *still* too many,
then I don't know how I'll decide!

Clarke Brunt (clarke@brunt.demon.co.uk)