RE: Why isn't my sundew sticky ?

John Walker (
Thu, 5 Dec 1996 16:25:59 -0800

At 01:53 AM 12/5/96 -0800, you wrote:
The same goes for your
>flytraps - they may look like they're doing fine now, but without several
>hours of direct sunlight each day, the leaves will start growing
>more and more scraggly with smaller, weaker traps, and they will
>eventually die.
>Best regards,
>Gordon Wells
>Instituto de Robotica e Informatica Industrial
>Edificio Nexus, planta 2
>Gran Capitan 2-4
>Barcelona 08034
Hi Gordon,

Are you saying that without at least some direct sunlight that VFT's will
eventually die? I grow my plants indoors completly away from the sun.
While some plants seem to have adapted, I have several that act as if theey
are bug infested, with malformed and partially formed traps. I have no bugs
(I have checked and checked, in the soil, under the leaves, sprayed with
pyrethrums (sp?) etc). The teeth don't want to develope on the top (far)
end of the trap. The traps end up looking like a small case letter "b" with
the petiole attaching to the fat part of the "b" and the top of the trap not
developing. Several have put out smaller and smaller leaves/traps until
they departed for that big bog in the sky. Five or six plants seem to be
doing just fine. My typical VFT's are fianally getting the red inside the
traps (reversed seasons) but my more recent additions of "red jaw",
"dentata" and "red dragon" have yet to show much red at all. I have my
plants about 12" under four 40watt bulbs. Is it possible the plants are
light starved? The Drosera's in the same setup are doing just fine.

Thanks in advance,
John in Phoenix