N. bicalcarata

Doug Fraser (D.Fraser@bom.gov.au)
Sun, 8 Dec 1996 12:51:22 +0000

Hi Jacques,
I live in Townsville, Australia and the winter temperature range is 14 - 25
degrees celsuis while the summer temperature range is 23 -32. I grow
all of my lowland nepenthes under 50% shadecloth. My N. bicalcarata
is growing in a mix of 1pt peat:2 pt orchid bark:2 pt perlite. This
mix drains too well and I have had trouble keeping the water up to
it. My large N. bicalcarata is growing very well in this mix but all
of my smaller ones are potted into a mix of equal parts peat and
coarse river sand. I hope this informationis of some use to you.