Re: Earthworm Invasion

Sun, 08 Dec 96 11:13:00 -0600

C> From: (Jens Rotthauwe)
C> Hi experts !
C> My terrarium has been invaded by earthworms that have begun to reproduce at
C> a frightening speed. Now they plough up everything.
C> Does anybody now a way of biological/chemical/tactical warfare to get rid of
C> this plague ?
C> Thanks for your help
C> Jens
Garter snakes love earthworms and slugs! They hunt by smell and touch.
They flick their tongues to sample the air and home in. When the tongue
touches prey, they lunge. What fun to watch. Even a small snake requires
a bit of space and they can climb a foot or more at the corners to try to
escape. Please research care and feeding a bit before trying this as they
often have some requirement like a warm dry spot to rest that may not be
available in a terrarium in full time occupation. You may need a second
environment for bathing or resting etc.
Do any of the CPs like earthworms? One can collect worms after a rain or
a heavy watering because the rain has not enough dissolved oxygen.

... nfx v2.8 [C0000] Hooray for (some) snakes!