Sarracenia germination

Andrew_Short (
Tue, 10 Dec 1996 14:49:40 PST

Thanks to everyone who replied to my Sarracenia overwintering
question. On to the next question. Last night, I planted a few
different types of Sarracenia seed (thanks Carl) on live Sphagnum,
put the pots into ziplock bags, and popped 'em in the 'fridge.
My question is, has anyone tried the vegetable bags with the "micro
pores", and if you have, how did they work? It seems to me that they
might be perfect for this application. Hey who knows, Glad may have
to reprint the boxes to include this application.

Andrew Short

Like all religions, the Holy Religion of the Invisible Pink Unicorn is
based upon both Logic and Faith. We have Faith that She is Pink; and
we Logically know that She is Invisible, because we can't see Her.