Re: Keeping Cp over the winter

Clarke Brunt (
Sun, 22 Dec 1996 13:40:25 +0100

On 20 Dec 96 at 17:53, dave evans wrote:

> Staghorn
> sundew is D.binata. That one can NOT take anything more than a
> very light frost and even that will knock all it's leaves off.
> This one should be treated more like a tropical even though it
> truely is temperate, it just doesn't grow were freezing temps occur.

I thought it was *meant* to lose its leaves! OK - I haven't subjected
my plants of D. binata to frost (7C is about the minimum they get)
but all the leaves are lost and they come up without fail (usually
with a great many more shoots) in Spring. Once I had left one in the
same pot for about 2 years, I decided to repot it, only to find the
entire pot full of thick thongy roots - it was quite a battle pulling
them apart, and resulted in a great many separate plants.

Clarke Brunt (