Campaign promises

Date: Sun Jan 05 1997 - 16:44:05 PST

Date: Sun, 5 Jan 1997 19:44:05 -0500
Message-Id: <aabcdefg69$foo@default>
Subject: Campaign promises

Dear all,

Several threads ago (before captive propagation vs. extinction, but after
"are VFT's from Mars?" <g>) We were discussing whether or not the ICPS was
truly an International organization. At that time, I promised, that, if
elected as ICPS vice president, I would do everything possible to make the
organzation as welcoming and useful to CP enthusiasts and experts, regardless
of their geography.

Ok, I won (thanks to all, mostly US members, probably, who were able to get
their votes in on time <grin>).

So the offer still stands, I stand open and ready to accept suggestions,
criticisms, comments, flames, what have you. I can't promise results, but I
can promise effort.

Your humble ICPS vice-servant,
Jay Lechtman (

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