RE: home cell stain

From: Rick Walker (
Date: Mon Jan 06 1997 - 19:02:32 PST

Date: Mon, 06 Jan 1997 19:02:32 -0800
From: Rick Walker <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg94$foo@default>
Subject: RE: home cell stain

Dear Zachary,

> Today I flattened a bladderwort bladder between a cover slip and a
> slide to view it under a microscope at home. Unfortunately, the cells
> were rather difficult to see. Does anyone know of something around
> the house or readily available that can be used as a stain for cells?

You might try an iodine solution from the drug store. It should turn
all starchy structures a nice purple color.

If you want to get a bit fancier, try Edmund Scientific: 1-609-573-6250

    Deluxe Slide exploration kit: itme M52,805 $29.95. All the basic
    accessories required to preapre biological specimens for micrscopic
    examinati. Kit includes 20 blank slides, 3 prepared slides, 3
    culture slides, scalpel, needle, probe, tweezers, eye dropper, cover
    glasses, labels, shrimp eggs, color salt powder, dry yeast, glue,
    **** eosin, methylene blue and safranine dye. ****

    ES Specimen staining kit: item M36,186 $21.95. Includes 11 blank
    slides, 1 well slide, 12 cover glasses, glue, labels, eye dropper and o
    *** dyes: eosin (red), methylene blue, safranine, and fast green. ***

Rick Walker

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