Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 09:06:36 -0600 (CST) From: Chris Teichreb <teichrch@Meena.CC.URegina.CA> To: Message-Id: <aabcdefg216$foo@default> Subject: Re: December CPN: desperate!!
Hi all,
> that others have already received it. So I would like to ask someone who
> has received it to please quench our thirst outside N America and give us
> a taste of what's in this latest issue.
> Thanxa million,
> Fernando Rivadavia
> Tokyo, Japan
(Fernando just wants to hear about his article ;-)!). Recalling
what I can from memory, the December issue features a stand of S.leuco
on the front (which has since been destroyed) and a stand of S.flava
red tubed, red veined, green lid on the back. As for the contents.
Peter D'Amato's article is on growing CP's in terrariums giving
two possible set-ups as well as a list of suitable plants. There
is a discription of a new Nepenthes species by Andreas Wistuba (I think),
but I can't remember the name. Jan should know this one.
Another article takes a look at two Mexican pings and how to cultivate
There are several small articles on Darlingtonia culture as well
as a CLODS article by Barry (quite amusing actually). Finally, there's
Fernando's article on Drosera graminifolia (I think. I probably spelt
it wrong too!). As well, there's an index for all articles in this
volume of the CPN in the very back.
That's all I could remember. If I forgot anything, please
remind me. I just got it myself a couple of days ago.
Chris Teichreb
Department of Biology
University of Regina
Regina, Saskatchewan, CANADA
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