RE: growlux vs cool white

From: Chris Teichreb (teichrch@Meena.CC.URegina.CA)
Date: Thu Jan 16 1997 - 14:27:55 PST

Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 16:27:55 -0600 (CST)
From: Chris Teichreb <teichrch@Meena.CC.URegina.CA>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg223$foo@default>
Subject: RE: growlux vs cool white

Hi Steve,

> >Has anyone that grows CP under flourescent lights done any
> >studies to determine which is better; GROWLUX which claims
> >a more useful spectrum to plants or COOL-WHITE which appears
> >to have more light output?
> >-steve-

        I've used both bulbs for various types of plants. This includes
aquarium plants which need a good spectrum of lighting and a good
intensity due to the water interfering with light penetration. I've
never found any plant that responded so much better to the gro-lux
bulbs that it warranted the extra expense. IMHO, stick with the
regular cool-whites. They look nice and your plants probably won't


Chris Teichreb
Department of Biology
University of Regina
Regina, Saskatchewan, CANADA


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