Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 07:50:38 +0900 From: To: Message-Id: <aabcdefg491$foo@default> Subject: Heliamphora seeds sending-off
To In-vitro workers and my friends,
Yesterday, I sent seeds to you. I apologize for the delay.
To In-vitro workers,
Please, prepare 40(10+20+10) test tubes in advance.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to sterilize U.humboldtii.
It is already seedling. (as Fernando-san wrote)
To all,
In the near future, you will be able to receive the supply of the
plants from In-vitro workers. In fact, As for the plants from the seeds
in 1995, supply is begun. I knew it and was surprised.
(Domo Arigato Andreas-san!!!)
In-vitro workers exist in the following countries.
Germany, United Kingdom, USA , Canada, the Netherlands, Australia, New
I don't know law about phytosanitary well.
Are there persons who can not import a living plant from
above-mentioned country?
I think of another way for your country.
Let me know.
Kind regards from Japan
P.S. Barry-san, I received E-mails from you last year but my E-mail
seems not to reach you. You used my old snail mail address(Kazo city).
Anyway Thankyou very much! What is your correct e-mail?
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