Since that first Drosera rotundifolia I've been hooked!

From: Prion Gwyn (
Date: Wed Feb 19 1997 - 19:41:21 PST

Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 19:41:21 -0800
From: (Prion Gwyn)
Message-Id: <aabcdefg651$foo@default>
Subject: Since that first Drosera rotundifolia I've been hooked!

Dear All,

I've just found the group and interesting it seems to. I'm a 23 yo Medical
Science PhD student studying in Scotland. Collecting CP's has been in my
blood since the age of 10 and a few years ago I managed to get my
collection over the 100 mark (chicken feed to some; I know) but it gave me
much enjoyment. Since pursuing an education the plants have fallen by the
wayside slightly with only two Dionea pots being perched on my cold
windowsill. I'm looking for fellow growers who aren't too interested in
taxonomy or tissue culture but rather in their beauty and wonder.

Interests include:

Aquatic Ultricularia
Cephalotus and Darlingtonia
Anything unusual - freaks
Effective ornamental display ideas

Yours with interest

Prion Gwyn


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