crooked binata / ammonia

Date: Fri Mar 07 1997 - 09:25:12 PST

Date: Fri, 07 Mar 1997 09:25:12
Message-Id: <aabcdefg831$foo@default>
Subject: crooked binata / ammonia

my drosera binata has gone all crooked in the stems after transplanting,
although it is flowering.
all my other drosera`s are looking healthy and they were transplanted at
the same time. the weather has been humid and wet ( not much sun ).
could it be over wet, could it be transplant shock, could it be bugs or
fungus, could it be because it is in a pot outside and moisture levels
change ie. after rain or watering?
i am using rainwater in a 40% peat-40% sphagnum- 20% sand mix.

if anyone suggests benlate could they tell me what strength?

thanx for any help in advance, steve :-)

p.s ammonia in a fishtank should quickly dissapear within an hour of
feeding or death. there should be no residual in water if bacteria is healthy.
the older the tank the better it is. (i think).


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