Klimagro CP Project...

From: Paul V. McCullough (pvmcull@voicenet.com)
Date: Mon Mar 31 1997 - 14:57:50 PST

Date: Mon, 31 Mar 1997 17:57:50 -0500
From: "Paul V. McCullough" <pvmcull@voicenet.com>
To: cp@opus.hpl.hp.com
Message-Id: <aabcdefg1213$foo@default>
Subject: Klimagro CP Project...

Okay, its getting closer to the time for my CP indoor "bog" project.
The Klima-Gro is on its way; I now have the specs on my model after
talking to the company.
  Model KG1000: Dimensions are 27" long, 28" high and 18" deep. The
planting box is 6" deep with water wells that go even deeper. There are
also two heating pads beneath the planting box.
  The light source is a twin fixture flourescent featuring "special
phosphor" bulbs which provide 3760 lumens of output at the source.
These bulbs are rated at ground level to be five to six times brighter
then normal flourescent bulbs provide. More importantly, they cover 94%
of the Sun's spectrum. There is a light timer, a water level probe and
a soil thermometer. All of the unit's sides are glass with eight
sliding doors for easy access. If necessary, additional bulbs could be
hung from my ceiling to provide more light- but I don't feel that it
will be at this point. The unit will be in a window facing North-West
and will receive late afternoon Sun year round. (I am considering
putting the unit in my dining room so that it gets South-East light
instead- this'll depend largely on the response of the plants in the NW
window of my office, the preferred location...)
  On the advice of several here and via email, I've decided on some
collection of the following plants:
  D. adelae, d. prolifera, d. schizandra (Ouch! very expensive plant),
d. capensis and d. capillaris for my Sundew family.
  I'll have three VFTs and perhaps one of the Akai Ryu (If they're
available) forms.
  In Pitchers, it looks like s. minor, s.purpurea, s. psittacina (Is
that pronounced "sitta-seena" or "puh-sitta-seena"? Good thing it
wasn't s. psittadownah) and maybe a Cephalotus (GULP! its a longshot on
Ceph...). I really want to throw in a Darlingtonia, but they apparently
like thinks a bit cooler then other CPs...
  On Butterworts, I still have the mutt from Home Depot (Which is
sending a second flower scape!) I'm open to suggestions on Pings.
  Probably a dozen or so plants will make the final cut. Please send
along any suggestions. I'm also making a computer model to render how
the Klima-gro and plants will look; testing layouts and things. I'll
post these for download on my webpage when they're done- building CPs on
your computer is really tough. My s.purpurea model came out pretty
cool, but my Cobras look like a mishapen pipe! The VFT models are kinda
lame, too. Hard to reproduce nature.


btw- let's please stay on the topic of CPs. No one is more liberal then
I am, but really, lets take these social discussions into the hall-
everyone involved has apologized. If you still have a problem, email
the individual with whatever non-CP issues you need to resolve and
discuss it amongst yourselves. Thanks.

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