CP at Home Depot

From: Paul V. McCullough (pvmcull@voicenet.com)
Date: Mon Apr 14 1997 - 14:39:29 PDT

Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 17:39:29 -0400
From: "Paul V. McCullough" <pvmcull@voicenet.com>
To: cp@opus.hpl.hp.com
Message-Id: <aabcdefg1435$foo@default>
Subject: CP at Home Depot

I went to my local Home Depot two weeks ago; although they had CP, they
were all dead or dying (As in, too late). The drosera adelae had all of
their plastic lid covers removed- these seem exceptionally necessary for
drosera as humidity plays an important role in mucilage maintenance on
the traps. They were all red-gray and dead. The VFTs were all leggy
due to the fact that they were flowering. There were none of the "mutt"
Pings (this mutt tag is becoming a species unto itself- my God, what
have I done?) or nepenthes in evidence. Kind of depressing, but Home
Depot seems more interested in their booming Orchid business.
  On the other hand, my local garden store, Dambley's, had some
incredibly large VFTs- in the standard red cup with transparent tops.
The employees there obviously follow instructions to the letter. All of
the traps were an inch to inch and a quarter long while the petioles
were very narrow and about four to five inches long. They also (wisely)
hacked the flower scapes off of the VFTs to promote growth (which
promotes sales) and posted a "Don't touch!" sign to dissuade children of
all ages from triggering the traps to exhaustion. Their price was $5.99
per plant which while more expensive then Home Depot, was definitely
worth the TLC they got.

Paul V. McCullough

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