Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 16:52:53 -0400 From: "kamikaze" <> To: Message-Id: <aabcdefg2017$foo@default> Subject: Heliamphora Heterodoxa
Dear List,
I have a H. heterodoxa here that was planted in 1992...its 5 years
old and it still steadfastly refuses to produce adult pitchers. Any
suggestions from anyone? Should have matured by now. I have the same
problem with my S. purpurea ssp. purpurea. The plant is producing
large pitchers (4.5" tall and 2" wide) and since it was just donated
to me by a friend (got it in a nursery somewhere and gave it to me as
a gift), I have no clue how old it is. Since the plant is producing
mature pitchers, I am assuming that it is of flowering age. But it
hasn't flowered yet...are S. purpureas late or early bloomers? Any
chance that I can see the beautiful flowers this year?
Oh also, I was just wondering wether hybrids of Heliamphora exist?
It just struck me that throughout all the books that I have read,
there have been hybrids of everything.....but none that I can recall
of Heliamphora.
thanks a lot all,
Adwait Kulkarni
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