Re: Propagation by cuttings

From: Michael Zenner (
Date: Mon Jul 21 1997 - 18:29:13 PDT

Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 18:29:13 -0700
From: Michael Zenner <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg2731$foo@default>
Subject: Re: Propagation by cuttings

At 05:35 PM 7/20/97 -0700, you wrote:
>I have been having difficulty propagating Nepenthes and Dionea by
>cuttings. What is the best way to progagate these by cuttings? And
>should I use Superthrive and powder root hormone?
For Dioenaea:
        I have had the best luck with -pulling- leaves off. The pulling part is
important because the little bit of "rhizome" (not actually a rhizome, I
understand) that comes off with the leaf is the part that produces the new

        I just take the leaf and press it flat into a mixture of peat and sand,
apply fungicide, and keep it as wet as possible under a propagating dome
(plastic bags work well, too). I generally get plantlets after about two
weeks. Don't panic if the leaf loses it's green!

For Nepenthes, I get a little more involved...

        First, make sure your cuttings are smallish (1 to 2 nodes works best for
me). I cut just above the last node I will leave on the plant, thus giving
the cutting a reasonable length of stem. Cut the leaves back to a couple
of inches in length. I then dip the end in rooting hormone and place in an
open but wet medium. Rockwool has worked well for me, as well as a
peat/perlite/orchid bark mix. Since the medium is very well drained, I'll
go ahead and stand the pots in water and keep them covered. I've found
that keeping the humidity as close as possible to 100% works the best.

        There is some variability among species in how well this works. I've had
good luck with N. alata, mirabilis, and several hybrids.

        My 2 cents...

Michael Zenner

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