Re: Using baking soda

From: Derek Glidden (
Date: Mon Aug 11 1997 - 18:54:44 PDT

Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 21:54:44 -0400 (EDT)
From: Derek Glidden <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg3057$foo@default>
Subject: Re: Using baking soda

I'm not an expert botanist or chemist or anything, but I was just

There's been talk on the list recently about using baking soda to get CPs
to grow "better" in their native soil.

What I recall of my Chem 101, if the soil that CPs like is acidic, and
baking soda is base, then wouldn't that serve to sort of neutralize the
acids in the soil, making it more like "normal soil"?

Has anyone tried potting a CP in "plain old potting soil" to see if it
behaved/grew similarly to CP watered with baking soda? Perhaps a 1:1
potting soil/sand mixture to balance out the fact that there's all this
nutrient stuff the CP isn't used to...

(And this little voice in my head keeps thinking, "Wouldn't if be funny if
CPs really didn't LIKE to grow in nutrient-poor, acidic soil, but that was
the best job they could get..." :)

Derek Glidden Home of the Pagan Resource Site
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