Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 11:37:26 -0400 From: To: Message-Id: <aabcdefg3109$foo@default> Subject: Re: Greenhouse / Conservatory Design
I wouldn't really worry to much about sun light during winter months
as this is considered a rest time for most CP plants. If light is
required, I would consider artificial lighting for the other exotics
you plan to grow, but not so much for CPs unless they are small.
Mature plants need the rest more so then small plants do and again, it
depends, but maybe one of our Neph's experts can.
Anybody out there know of any books which will aid in the design of a
conservatory I plan to build attached to a new home? The room will be
designed to keep exotics such as CPs and other tropicals. My principal
concern is having enough light during the winter since the room will be
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