Re: Theft at A.B.G.

Date: Tue Oct 07 1997 - 05:41:41 PDT

Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 08:41:41 -0400 (EDT)
Message-Id: <aabcdefg3882$foo@default>
Subject: Re: Theft at A.B.G.

Many of us attended the wonderful International C.P. meeting earlier this
year at the Atlanta Botanic Gardens this year. Their dedication to preserving
and propagating of rare and unusual carnivores and other plants is well known
and well deserved.

A few years ago the gardens began another important collection, this time not
plants, but the endangered and very beautiful Poison Dart or Poison Arrow
Frogs. At the time of the meeting there were several terraria set up with
various species, many of which were breeding.

This past weekend the Gardens was looted of every single frog! I believe this
was done after hours, but am not sure. In any case it is a tragic set-back
for the Gardens and for their trust in having accessable displays for the
public. I would not want to see their CP, orchids, etc. behind glass due to
the thoughtlessness of some criminal.

Therefore, since many of us's also keep herps, frogs, etc., please
keep your eyes and ears open as likely these animals were stolen to be
resold. If any information surfaces contact Ron Gagliardo at Atlanta Botanic



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