San Antonio Botanical Gardens

From: Joe & Justene Harden (
Date: Sat Nov 01 1997 - 14:17:13 PST

Date: Sat, 01 Nov 1997 16:17:13 -0600
From: Joe & Justene Harden <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg4195$foo@default>
Subject: San Antonio Botanical Gardens

Joe here...
After work today, I took a trip down to the San Antonio Botanical
Gardens (in San Antonio) to find a miracle fruit tree...and found a
whole lot more...
They are doing some construction on one conservatorium, and when
finished, they will expand to their existing CP collection.. some
pitcher plants and 2 Nepenthes...I was surprised just to see these
plants...and even more shocked when I strolled through another tropic
room.. Over 20 types of Nepenthes, but only one was labeled (N. alata).
I even saw one Nepenthes with the leaves' length as long as my arm, and
the pitcher as large as 3 fist in a row!!!! My hand probably could have
fit in this pitcher!!
I talked to someone at the Center, who actually is a friend of my
parents (My parents run a wholesale nursery in S.A, and they often trade
some plants). He told me to call back in 2-3 weeks, when the
construction is over, and I can probably help them introduce new CP's to
the arboretum, since they do not have much experience in them. They
seem to have plenty of Nepenthes (unlabeled unfortunatly) and a few
pitcher I will try to introduce many types of tropical CP's
that do not require dormancy in the conservatorium, and also some other
types outside in their outdoor pond area... So if anyone has some
seeds/plants they can spare, Please email me, and I will stay in touch
until he calls me back and tells me to go ahead and bring them in. I
will soon get some pictures of the indoor areas that are ideal for
plants and post them to my page, and hopefully the San Antonio Botanical
Gardens can become a very nice 'home' for some CPs!
The SABG does have a web page that displays from the outside the size of
their conservatorium, and a small shot of the indoor size, but in a palm
room. check out the link below...

The first shot is an outside view from a tower in the middle of the
Also, this conservatorium is one half acre under glass!! The largest
conservatory in the Southwest USA!
I hope to be talking more to them next week, and get some
groundwork/ideas on what they will accept. I hope to have pictures up my
next weekend, and if not then, next weekend for sure (my wife leaves
friday to Poland for 3 I will have LOTS of time!)
Hope to hear from some people!

Joe Harden

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