Re: Lowering water pH

From: Carl Gustafson (
Date: Wed Nov 12 1997 - 04:57:24 PST

Date: Wed, 12 Nov 1997 07:57:24 -0500
From: Carl Gustafson <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg4312$foo@default>
Subject: Re: Lowering water pH

Susan Farrington asked:

>In the greenhouse, however, we just have a
>little de-ionizing unit that fills up a trash can with "pure"
>water for the cp's. However, it appears to only remove the
>chlorine and the hardness of the water. It does nothing to
>lower the pH of the water, and the tap water here in St. Louis is
>about 9.0! Is there an easy way to lower the pH of the water
>sitting in the trash can?

How about adding some [sphagnum] peat to the water? Should buffer the water
to a lower pH, primarily by adding humus acids, which not only will bind to
[complex] any calcium ions remaining, but of course lower the pH as well.

Carl G.

Carl Gustafson
(215) 895-1383
           the Computer Vision Center for Vertebrate Brain Mapping
Imaging and Computer Vision Center | Software Guy
Drexel University | Macintosh spoken here
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | I'd like to give you my opinion

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