Re: N. Coccinea & N. Gracilis

From: John Walker (
Date: Wed Dec 10 1997 - 10:46:39 PST

Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 11:46:39 -0700 (MST)
From: John Walker <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg4692$foo@default>
Subject: Re: N. Coccinea & N. Gracilis


I am growing several types of Nepenthese (under glass) and have found that
my plants exhibit both of the"symptoms" you describe. As far as I can tell
these are normal events. Most of my plants have at least a little red
coloration to them, either down the middle of the leaf or along the edges. I
like the extra color :-) I also think that the pitchers drying from the
top down is also a normal occurance. I find that if I feed the pitcher it
will start to die from the top down in a matter of days. The browning of the
pitcher seems to stop just above the waterline of the pitcher. To keep the
pitchers looking nice for as long as possible I usually won't feed them
until the pitcher starts to turn brown at the top naturally from age.

Hope this helps,
John in Phoenix

At 08:20 AM 12/10/97 -0800, you wrote:
>Dear List,
>I recently bought my first Nepenthes and I have some problem to maintains
>- the N. Coccinea starts to have some red marks on the leaves,
>- the pitchers of the N. Gracilis are drying from the top.
>I think it might be connected with the humidity of the air. But I sprayed
>them with watter 2 or 3 times a day. I don't have a terrarium for
>the moment.
>Does someone know how to keep them alive ?
>Thanks very much.
>Stephane Corbel, Versailles, France

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