Smith Family Reunion

Date: Thu Jan 29 1998 - 08:01:34 PST

Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 08:01:34 -0800 (PST)
Message-Id: <aabcdefg401$foo@default>
Subject: Smith Family Reunion

Hi there Smiths!

It's that time again! It seems like every time we turn around, it's
reunion time again. Has it really been five years? Meg and I are in
charge of it this go round, so we'd like to start by filling you in with

what is going on in these Smith's neck of the woods.

We are living in Guam, as most of you know. Meg just birthed a healthy
baby in December, named Pat. As most of you know from our Christmas
letter, As you may recall, Pat is a eunich. Thank you all for the kind
words of
inspitation. We love Pat dearly. Speaking of love, we love it here, but
it tends to
get a bit wet in monsoon season. Our youngest son, Tom Jr. got caught in
a gullywasher,
but our trusty pooch Lucky pulled him out before the waterfall. (Yay
Lucky! Way to go!)

Anyway, the reunion is set for April 17th, 18th, and 19th at
Yellowstone. We have made special arrangements, and will have a whole
campground to ourselves. Take the main road in, and hit side trail #34
up to campground 34c. We will be having a potluck supper Friday night,
so everybody bring their best dish and their appatites! (Linda, that
means your ambrosia salad!! YUM!)

On a sadder note, Uncle Robert fell and broke his hip, so please call
him and wish him a speedy recovery so he might be able to make the

Be sure to RSVP to me ASAP. I have to have a complete headcount by
Feburary 1st.

We can't wait to see you there. Afterall, blood is thicker that water.

Daniel "Dinkmaster" Smith

P.S. Aunt Becky was cleard of all charges, so it is safe to bring the
kids! Yay Aunt Becky!!!!!

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