From: C. J. Mazur (
Date: Mon Feb 09 1998 - 19:29:53 PST

Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 22:29:53 -0500
From: "C. J. Mazur" <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg529$foo@default>
Subject: Re: Re:ICPN CDROM?

Hello, Carl here.

As far as the CPCDROM project goes, I've been working on over the last while
in isolation. There were a number of folks who were scanning text, however,
submissions of scanned volumes dwindled off, and have been non existant for
almost a year now. Unfortunately, lifes commitments get in the way of
projects like this, so its been going at a snails pace. At present, I'm in
the process of scanning photos, and have complete about 2 volumes or so. My
aim is to have from 1990 to present completed in the before fall. As it
turns out, it is actually easier for me to scan the pictures myself. That
way I can ensure consistancy in size, color and resolution. However, if
there are folks still interested in scanning text, I'd love the help. Email
me privately to see what is still required.

One of the ongoing nitemares of this project is the fact that the text needs
to be proof read, mildly formatted and cleaned up. Doing that takes alot of
time and effort. I know all of the text that I've scanned is right off the
OCR. It hasn't been proofread or anything, so..... If anyone is will to
take the time to take on such a project, especially for years 1990 on, that
would be great too. As far as coding the HTML, I'll probably take care of
that as well. Once a template is agreed on, all volumes will just be
modifications of the original. So that should be a piece of cake.

Best Regards,
Carl J. Mazur
Cherryhill Carnivorous Plants
Ontario Canada

>Dear list members,
>About a year ago, There was a request (on this forum) out for help in
>copying all volumes and issues of the ICPN to be made into a CD ROM.
>Does anyone know of the status of this project. Complete In progress or
>Just wondering.
>Michael A Sankovich
>"Ashes to ashes, Dust to dust, If the misery don't get you,
> The raspberry julep spring tonic, (with the persimmon sap,) Must!"

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