SuperThrive? Hormex?

From: Richard Berg (
Date: Sat Feb 21 1998 - 20:32:24 PST

Date: Sun, 22 Feb 1998 04:32:24 GMT
From: (Richard Berg)
Message-Id: <aabcdefg701$foo@default>
Subject: SuperThrive? Hormex?


  Just received some Nep's and found a lot of info on superthrive
being used as a stress agent in re-potting, establishing, etc...

  I found a local nursery that carried it, however they were all out
of stock but had a product called Hormex which sells for about the
same price, only twice as much as ST... I was wondering if anyone had
used this product and could recommend it?

  It's contents are mainly 99.765 inert B1 with a few trace elements
here and there... Basically SuperThrive (I'm pretty sure?)... I picked
up an 8 oz bottle for around $7 but haven't applied it to the new
additions... Just looking for any advice or maybe a 'Go Ahead, Try It
-- Let us know'...


                                        ... Richard Berg

Richard Berg
Salem, Ohio


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