Re: CP # 1366 Crosses

Date: Mon Feb 23 1998 - 19:06:23 PST

Date:          Mon, 23 Feb 1998 19:06:23 
Message-Id: <aabcdefg722$foo@default>
Subject:       Re: CP # 1366 Crosses

Dear Leo & al.,

> For example, there have been several Accentual Koto's described as
> AK #1, AK #2, etc. I guess the cross that created Accentual Koto
> (thorellii X X Hookeriana) is what the orchid hybridizers call a grex-
> similar to a surname. All crosses between thorellii and hookeriana would
> be a grex called Accentual Koto, since the cross was first named and
> published as such, and a notable individual would be given a first name.

I do not think that Accentual Koto was established as a cultivar
group epithet. I rather suspect that several different clones
constitute the cultivar _Nepenthes_ 'Accentual Koto'. So the
situation does not seem to be similar to the orchid grex nomenclature.

> I'm not sure of what the final full name would be

It would be _Nepenthes_ 'Accentual Koto'. For each plant *and* for the
whole group of these plants. They are apparently all *one* cultivar.

> , but it seems to make
> sense that where many numbered individuals from a cross has already been
> published that ICPS should consider the status of grexes.
> Jan, what are your thoughts on this?

The ICPS cannot consider greges because of nomenclatural reasons. Cps
are not orchids, and grex nomenclature is limited to orchids. We can
(and do) consider cultivar groups, which are comparable to greges in
most practical respects.

Kind regards

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