Sarracenia Questions...

From: Richard Berg (
Date: Tue Mar 17 1998 - 20:38:16 PST

Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1998 04:38:16 GMT
From: (Richard Berg)
Message-Id: <aabcdefg955$foo@default>
Subject: Sarracenia Questions...


  I recently purchased some Sarrencenia species and I thought I was
doing pretty well with their care. Within a few days of re-potting
and allowing them to acclimate to their new surroundings they all
basically started putting up new leaves/traps... Now it's been 3 weeks
and it seems I'm only getting limited results.

 My S. flava has sent up one HUGE leave now measuring 14" and it seems
to want to reach to the top of the terrarium (only another 3-5 inches
left!) but that's about it... The crown has numerous other sprigs but
none of them have even started to grow upward. The lone leaf is nice
and green and seems to be now expanding outward around it's
mid-section... Is this normal?.. Will this plant send up one maybe two
leaves at first to gain strength while reserving strength for later

  The S. purpurea has also seemed to now grow more slowly.. 3 days
after re-potting it started to put up a leave and I know have 2 traps
about 3-4" in height... Near the crown there seems to be other trap
shoots and what I think is the beginning of a flower stalk emerging as
a small ball on a psudo-stalk... The traps are nice and green and one
has started to open but really no new growth around crown... Maybe
this is due to the upcoming flower?

  S. psittacia has only one trap around 3" high but that's it.. It's
been this way for 2 weeks now... Trap is nice and green but no new
growth is evident near crown and existing trap is not getting bigger,
fatter, opening... This one boggles me.. Showed nice growth on the
existing trap then seemed to go dormant...=20

Hmm.. Well that's about it for the Sarrencenia's but I also have a D.
binata multi. that has done quite well but sent, i'm sure it is, a
flower stalk up from the center of the plant... Before this trap
growth was amazing nearly showing new growth each day.. Since flower
stalk has emerged (not flowering yet) trap growth has slowed to a
crawl... I'm wondering if this is again because of the flower... I'm
sure it's the same as with Dionaea's but I'm excited to see new
flower's if only once a lifetime... also if and when this Drosera
blooms can D. binata multi. be selfed? =20

Well that about covers it and thanks in advance to those who reply...
I'll respond to everyone who writes so if I'm doing something terribly
wrong please clue me in ASAP! ;)

                                        ... Richard Berg

Richard Berg
Salem, Ohio


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