Re:Does and don'ts as far as whats been tried so far

From: Randall Palmer (
Date: Sun Mar 29 1998 - 12:42:21 PST

Date: Sun, 29 Mar 1998 15:42:21 -0500 (EST)
From: Randall Palmer <>
Message-Id: <aabcdefg1075$foo@default>
Subject: Re:Does and don'ts as far as whats been tried so far

        For Venus Canadian peat, for plant food 1 tablespoon of baking
soda in 1 gallon of water, also can mix 1 tablespoon of Ivory Liquid (
bugs have to go) 2 tablespoons cooking corn oil (fungus can't pennatrate
the walls of the plants).
        At one time was able to use licquid fertilizer, but the
multiplication agent that is put on the plant doesn't agree.
        Baking soda does work wonders, it mosts of the time will take away
the acidity of the medium, there is a point where you must decide to
transfer the plant in a better soil. Like Carl has said baking soda
deterioates the peat.
        Am finding that a fish tank is giving me the best in wind
insulation and drying of plant plus bugs can fly into the top. Venus will
sit nicely about an inch above the water in the bottom of the tank. Parrot
picture plant sits nicely in the water. Purpuria likes Canadian peat,
when one of mine tries to die off I simply put more peat over the center a
couple weeks later new pictures start coming up.
        I like the darkest peat for my Venus were as others use a little
sand also.
        the above is whats is working for me so far. If anyone disagrees
or have better procedures somebody said only fools ignore correction.

Randy Palmer

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